
Monday, April 11, 2011

Trick to Trace the original location and IP Address of the Email Recieved


tracking email sender

Here is the most important part of this trick, you need to check for the "Received: from". It is easy for you to find it by pressing Control+F and to search for the keyword I have mentioned. You will find many received from addresses in the message header, this is just because the message header grabs all the IP addresses involved in routing the mail to you.

email tracing
trace gmail

To find the IP Address you can see the Received from IP address from yahoo mail sent to me from my friend Manjunath from Mysore.

Now let’s  trace this ip address…

Here I’m using to trace the ip address.

email sender location

Here you can see that the traced IP address ( is of Mysore (Maisuru).


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